Zyre Virtual Solutions

Establish Your Business Presence, Protect Your Privacy with a Virtual Address

By getting a virtual address, it will protect your privacy and help you establish a business presence even without a physical office.

What is Virtual Address?

A virtual address is like having a professional address for your business without actually being there. It's a service that provides you with a location that you can use as your business address. This can make your business look more established and credible, even if you're working from home or don't have a physical office space. It's a convenient way to receive mail and create a professional image without the need for a physical location.

Why Get a Virtual Address ?

✅   Professional Image: Project a prestigious business image with a prime virtual address

✅   Privacy and Security: Keep your home address private and enhance security

✅   Mail Handling: Efficient mail forwarding and handling services.

Virtual Address is Perfect for:

✅    Entrepreneurs and startups

✅   Home-based businesses

✅   Freelancers and remote workers

✅   Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

✅   Global businesses expanding their presence

✅   Professionals seeking privacy for their business address

✅   Businesses looking to project a professional image

Steps to get a Virtual Address

Select the Virtual Address Plan

Get your virtual address by clicking this link

Fill Out the Client Registration Form

Complete the client registration form. Provide accurate information, including your contact details and preferences.

Expect an Email Between 24-48 Hours for Account Activation

After submitting the registration form, anticipate an email from us. This email will confirm your account activation and provide further instructions.

Submit Other Legal Required Documents

Log in to your newly activated account. Update your profile with any additional details required by the service including required legal documents.

Congratulations! You Now Have a Secure Virtual Address

With your account set up and profile completed, you can start using your virtual address. Receive mail, manage packages, and enjoy the benefits of a professional address without the need for physical office space.

Plans and Pricing

Explore our flexible plans designed to meet the unique needs of your business. From startups to established enterprises, we have a solution for you.

Virtual Address

$87/ month

+$150 one-time setup fee

A professional business address that you can use for mail, marketing materials, and more.

✅   Physical Business Address

✅   Mail Forwarding Options

✅   Business Display Options

Virtual Office

$137 / month

+$150 one-time setup fee

Our virtual office spaces provide you with professional accommodations without the stress of extra expenses.

✅   Virtual Address Amenities

✅   2 monthly hours of Office Space time

✅    1 Hour of Training Room time

Live Receptionist

$249 / month

+$150 one-time setup fee

Our live receptionists answer your calls in your company name, forwarding messages or calls to you as needed, and providing a professional image for your business.

✅  Virtual Office Amenities

✅  Dedicated Live receptionist to answer call in your company's name.

✅  Collect information on company's behalf

✅  Take messages on company's behalf

✅   Forward calls directly to business representative

Diamond Plus

$380 / month

+$150 one-time setup fee

As a diamond plus member you have access to all of our virtual office services along with digital solutions to grow any business.

✅   Virtual Address Amenities

✅    4 monthly hours of Office rental time

✅   Unlimited Live Receptionist

✅   ZVS Branded CRM System

✅   Website Hosting

✅   Website Design

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions About Virtual Address

  • What is a virtual address, and how does it work?

    A virtual address is a professional mailing address that exists without a physical office space. It provides businesses and individuals with a credible street address for receiving mail and packages. Unlike a P.O. box, a virtual address is a real location, enhancing your business image and privacy.

  • What are the advantages of having a virtual address?

    A virtual address offers several benefits for businesses. First and foremost, it enhances your professional image by providing a genuine street address. This credibility can be crucial when dealing with clients, partners, or customers. 

    Additionally, a virtual address ensures privacy—you can keep your home address confidential while still having a separate business address.

    Lastly, opting for a virtual address is cost-effective. You avoid the expenses associated with leasing traditional office space, making it an attractive solution for startups, freelancers, and small businesses.

  • Can I receive packages at my virtual address?

    Yes, virtual addresses can accept both mail and packages. If you would like to avail of this service, we offer a mail handling option. 📬📦

  • How secure is a virtual address for receiving mail?

    Virtual addresses are generally secure. Reputable providers ensure that your mail and packages are handled with care.

  • Can I use a virtual address for my online business?

    Absolutely! Many online businesses operate successfully using virtual addresses. It allows you to maintain a professional image, receive mail, and establish a presence even if you don’t have a physical office. Whether you sell products, offer services, or run an e-commerce store, a virtual address can enhance your credibility.


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